Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

Vibrations of reality-a visit to an ancient menhir site

 After our visit to the reenactment fair, the magic troll had that smile on her face that told she had a surprise prepared. And so we drove through the aetherical landscape of the Wetterau, with a big sky above us.

The sun was singeing through the clouds, making for a dramatic background. Rays of light touched the rolling hillsides, tingeing the green ever so much greener.
 There is that historical hiking path, including stone age, bronze age, iron age and modern sites.

 She was so lovely with this wreath, that I simply had to pick her some flowers...
 In the hedge, along which we walked, caterpillars had set to work. There was a silken web spun between the leaves. A tale;-).
 Elderflower was blossoming... spring is there full tilt, and summer on the way!
 Dog rose (rosa canina, in German: HUndsrose). Great for syrup, schnapps, honey, lotions, body oils. Good against arthrosis, rich with vitamins and minerals, and simply fragrant. I also use them for incense smokes and tea.
 A view towards Münzenberg castle.

 The sky was high, the earth was strong and pulsing vibrantly beneath our feet.
 Common yarrow (achillea millefolium, in German: Schafgarbe) Good for tea, against bronchitis, cramps and the like, ...and....
 ...not good against witches at all;-).

Another view towards Münzenberg castle.


 Then we arrived at the site. It is a prehistorical burial site, a neolithic stone cist grave. It is called "Der heilige Stein" in local colloquial language, meaning "The sacred stone".

Sage (Salvia officinalis, in German: Salbei) is very rare in Germany as a wild plant. Here it grew, and was in blossom.

I looked into the darkness of the grave. I greeted the North and the South. I greeted Earth and Sky. We kissed, gently, and it began to rain, very softly. The sheep on the pastures went mad for but a brief moment, and birds twittered loudly all around us, and all of a sudden.

And we knew.
We remembered, and we will remember. Aeons have passed since our souls were born, aeons will pass over the scarred rocks. We will die, as we have died, and live, for death was never, death is not but a wanderer in reality. Rain and sun will beat upon the rock, and wear it away, and the stars will dance above the ruins.

But the flowers now blossom, and birds sing. Is there more to say? I daresay not.

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