Volker called and asked if I could work for him at the beeskeeper´s fair in Sprockhövel, a small village near Witten. Of course I could, not being above earning some money yet...
So I rode to the Bethaus smithy on Friday to help him load the car. Volker had to drive to Bonn for the weekend to do some demos himself. Of course, there was work going on also, forging with a group. Volker was quite stressed out, for it was a bastard of a racket going on that day, too!
But we got our act together and I really like to work with this guy, for he keeps his friendliness even in the heat of the moment. We loaded up the car with his gear and the forge and gear for myself, and then a neighbour came by to drive me and my gear to the marketplace.
Car was full. I put in my bike, and we drove to Sprockhövel. I then rode home.
Early on Saturday morning I saddled my steed to get on the 2hrs-ride to Sprockhövel. On the way I came across this little fellow. Beautiful, albeit not edible.
The sun was coming out and pierced the morning mist with rays of golden light. I love this time of year, and my heart was swelling with love.Weird feeling for this lone mushroom here*ggg*.
When I came to Sprockhövel, I immediately lit the forge, and mayhem began:-). There were a lot of kids having fun with steel and fire, and it was a great experience watching them making the first contact with the trade...
Then some of my best beloved friends came by: Kai, Marie and the Bernhard family. Of course they only came to make fun of my lack of multi - tasking - ability:-). we could not talk as much as I would´ve liked, but it was no issue for them. Folks, it´s just great to have you as friends!
I had a cuppa near lunchtime, and there even some time to play around a bit.
My first go at a Celtic torques*ggg*... for my favourite spamwoman again... you know, those things women can do with their eyes:-), just kidding, it was just all my fault... erm, JanDark´s. (JAN IS SCHULD!!!!*ggg*).
This is Rainer. I first met him many years ago while working for a youth integration project. He´s a professional carpenter and does chainsaw carvings, too, which he had on display, some really great work. he also rides mountainbikes and does bushcraft, and is a great guy to have around. We decided to meet more frequently:-) and maybe do some projects...
A beautiful example of Rainer´s work. All done with a chainsaw. Weird.:-).
Kai helped out a bit, so that I could get me some lunch, and boy, did I need it! :-) Thanks, Kai, for being around and for COMPLETELY RUINING MY HARDY CHISEL*ggg*, just kidding, I could regrind it:-).
The friendly guys from the NABU (NaturschutzBund), an institution of local environmentalists.
This is Dirk from the Biologische Station Ennepetal, an institution tutoring kids and adults alike on regional fauna and flora and doing bushcraft courses, too. They have an public contract with the non-existent government*ggg* of our non-existent country*ggg* to work for the protection of local habitats.
Kai having all the fun:-) and leaving none for me*ggg*.
Rainer withg a finer fire:-) heat colouring his sculptures. That bird was made with a chainsaw only!
Information on beeskeeping. There are many clubs of beeskeepers in the region. And, apart from producing honey, mead and beeswax, propolis and aphis, they keep this ecosystem running. Without bees, there would be no working ecosystem on earth. It´s kind of scary, what we do to this ecosystem, and the dying of bees all over the world is an issue even worse than any world wars, however fashionable they might be.
No bees = no life at all. Period. And that´s just one aspect of the mess we made from this life on earth. Shouldn´t more people set aside the guns and repair the damage done? *sarcasm mode on* They could kill each other when the work is done and earth is not on the verge of dying anymore, if they must. Better take handguns, stone clubs or swords, then, would you, doesn´t destroy as much.*sarcasm mode off*
Something to drown your sorrow in*ggg* herb and honey schnapps, jam, tea, honey, herbs.
Loads of beeswax products.
Beeshive display.
This I found quite fascinating. I do not know much about bees, and I freely admit they are not my favourite lapdog animal:-), but they keep this world turning, plus I really relish in honey and mead:-).
Liquors and vinegar. There was a very friendly atmosphere at every booth.
Fine beeskeeping-related art.
Making "insect hotels" with the kids.
...having a chat... all over the place were beeskeepers having a talk.
Painting faces...
Some proud knifemaking apprentices:-).
Had a go at this fibula, too.
This is young Paul having fun with my forge. It is always fascinating ,
how happy those kids are with these simple tools. Maybe some scholars should do a bit of rethinking on the schooling system...:-)?
This is Daniel, my new "apprentice"*ggg*. He is thoroughly fascinated by the blacksmith trade and dropped by after visiting the Industriemuseum smithy two months ago and making a knife there. Here he is making a miniature horseshoe and a wall hook all by himself with a tiny little tutoring by yours truly.
I keep learning from the kids, and I strongly suggest any adult questioning himself a bit more when teaching. Maybe he could be positively surprised.
It was late in the evening, and getting dark, when I finally got home. I was a wrecked as I have not been for years.