Now it ahs been simmering a while, but everything turned out really great, I got a day off on Saturday, the weather was great to boot, so I saddled my steed and set out to make the road to Bottrop to... tadah... meet with Drui, the closest person to my heart, and the friend of my soul I have finally found:-), and with Frau Mondjung, her best friend and soulsister. Now they do viking reenactment (not bothering me any:-)).
Of course, I ventured off course, and got completely lost on the way to Bottrop and back, so I rode some 220 km that day, mind you, I was a tiny bit fatigued:-), but also proud and really, really happy that I did it... and not for the achievement.
You see, the vikings wore no horns on their helmets, and after Ibn Fadhlan or was that Al-Biruni???they were armed with a sword, an axe, a dagger and a seax, a shield and a spear, could drink whole barrels of mead, and cleave open an armoured opponent with a single blow... and that were but the women...*ggg*
Frau Mondjung had a somewhat aggressive air to her, but after we talked about it over a cup of camomile tea, it faded enough to stop her biting anyone´s ankle*ggg*. I am kidding, of course, for I was so warmly welcomed I felt right at home with these really, really nice people. And I felt really privileged, and I sincerely hope, we can call each other friends some day.
Then we visited the medieval crafts fair "Michaelis-Markt" in Bottrop city, to get in some "viking shopping" as the girls like to call it... somehow the term brought up images of great axes, warcries and broadswords to my mind, but it all went surprisingly civilized, apart from some abject scheming of childlike characteristics to talk the poor male companion into buying some really great amberware:*ggg*. But I freely admit, I would have done so, either*ggg*.
Now THAT´s some skill, eh?*ggg*
I really love amber myself. I like the warm and radiant colour, the feel, and the properties of it.
Real treasures for sale on that booth, and a very friendly and competent merchant, too.
Now these are a great idea, if you ask me, jewellry out of leather and amber. I like that, and MAYBE I ´LL TRY THAT MYSELF*ggg*.
...checking the dough:-)...
This one I really liked. Silver and amber, beautiful.
And here I got another job from my betters:-), just at this moment, exactly. We then strolled around the aisles, and met some friends of Drui´s and Frau Mondjung´s, more great people still.
By that time the sun was sinking, and I had to ride home, quite shot in the head:-). Thanks, my dears, for that warm welcome, and a drink of cool water after many miles.
And, my dearest, thanks for having tumbled into my life anyway.*ggg*.Yap, I said that again, but I never tire of it. Cry "STOP!!!!" if it gets unnerving*ggggggg*...
It was late in the evening, when I reached Witten, for I messed up again,as I said, and I paused on the bike lane to Hagen to have some thoroughly needed carbohydrates and some water. The stars were out over the Ruhr valley, and there were some wild geese and water birds stirring ever so faintly. An owl cried, and I sat there, as happy as I have not been for years.