And this person certainly is one of the very few people in my life really knowing me, and being a true friend for me I will not want to miss anymore. You might know her, for she´s the one with that blog here. I guess we keep learning from each other, and that´s a great thing for sure, and we already walked through some very beautiful adventures.
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Time´s closing in;-). We were there rather in time, and there was some time left for a beer and some weird jokes.
That´s Alfred, the innkeeper. Wasn´t too fond of me shooting all those pics at first, but I guess he warmed up to it;-). If you ever are in Marburg, visit that place, it´s well worth it, and NO, noone paid me to say so;-). There are many great musicians playing there. Just take a look at their homepage!
Then it was some setting up the stage, some tiny practice and the soundcheck.
Mind you, we even had a beer!
...or two..
...or three...
Andy and Daisy Reilly...erm the magic troll havin´a beer...*ggg*
...ummm...I lost cound, it was five, was it?*ggg*
It was a very great evening, and we went to the magic troll´s place with quite a feeling of satisfaction and a good fill. Great people again, and oh, if you read this, Erika, Andy, Roland, Hans-Jürgen and Peter, Alfred, Beate and all those others, guests and fans and passers-by on board that evening: Feel free to copy the photos for your own use, provided you give a bit of credit to the Dothoppers, Molly Malone´s and this weirdo here, if you use them in public.
A vid will come soon...