7 tablespoons oat meal
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon dried hederacea glechoma
2 finely chopped leaves wild garlic
1 half finely chopped onion
pepper to your liking
1 tablespoon cumin
1/2 tablespoon nutmeg
1 knifetip salt
water for a thin dough
6 slices of your favourite cheese;-), mine was gouda;-)
Vegetable oil for frying
heat the pan, add the oil, heat till sizzling temp. Pour in the dough, turn down the temp to milder heat. wait until the surface shows some bubbles, put the slices of cheese on. Pour some more fresh dough on top. Wait until the surface is dry, flip over. Bake it golden brown. The dough gives out to two big cakes and a little something to my experience.
Afiyet olsún! ;-)