Sonntag, 26. Mai 2024

Emergency whistle from hazelnut

I am all crap at making flutes and whistles. Really, I am. The magical sorcery troll makes flutes all the time, lovely sound and all, but mine always sound like an asthmatic robin on speed. But fact is, I would love to have a flute I made myself, in the woods, from the woods, to play in the woods. So practice it is. And since it is easier to make a whistle than it is to make a flute, I had a go, and what can I say... success, for a change. Plus, it is handy to have a whistle in your kit for signalling or to scare away animals. And even if I rarely succeed, it is still a fun carving practice. So, could be worse!😜 When I have finally figured it out, watch this space for a tutorial. 😉

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