Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2024

Carving a Snapskuksa

It has been several months ago that I treated myself to a new kukså. Unfortunately the birch I was permitted to harvest was long dead and a bit rotten,  so all I got was a smaller burr. Cutting two slits above and below the burr I removed it with my carving hatchet. 
A bit of axe and knife work later (the Casström Sweden Woodsman performed admirably for the job,  by the way. I will give you the ins and outs on this really great knife soon), I got the blank roughed out. 
There was a lovely grain showing in that burr. I cooked it in sunflower oil and beeswax. 
Made one for the magical sorcery troll,  too,  and it was baptized the traditional way with a bit of Whisky in the woods. 

 It is a relatively fast project where you can try out the technique for a bigger Kukså. Already got started on several other little fellows... it is quite addictive... 😜 there is something soothing in sitting in the woods whittling away and making stuff you can actually use. And somehow sipping from a Kukså, big or small,  reflects that feeling. You have to try it out to be able to relate. It is somehow like a wonderful little ritual.  

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