Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2022

Salt flask WIP

In the woods I found me a piece of deer shank (taken with permission, of course) and thought I would make me a salt flask. I sawed off the joints with the saw of a Victorinox locksmith SAK. 

I fitted a piece of elm into the bottom, leaving it a tad longer to facilitate carving. Since it was fresh elm, make sure you really have to whack it in (you might want to wrap the bone really tightly with wire or cordage before, because it might split. If you possibly can, use dry wood for the bottom.

Glued it in with pitch glue. Carved a stopper from boxwood with tarred cordage for a seal. Carve a recession into it, fill that with tar, wax or glue and wrap the fibres or cordage around it while the glue is still hot. Let it cool, cutting off the excess cordage or fibres. 

Et voilà. 

Salt flask. ☺️ 

The decoration is made from charred elm bark in kólrosing technique. 

Now off to decorate that bone. ☺️ 

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