Freitag, 27. September 2024

Acorn coffee with Chaga and hazelnut

On a recent outing, I collected some acorns and hazelnuts to try out a new recipe for a coffee alternative. 
I cracked the nuts and peeled the acorns.  You need to thoroughly leach out the acorns.  I was sort of in a hurry, so I chopped them and boiled them three times for 20 minutes, changing the water every time. You could keep the batches for staining cloth or tanning leather. When the bitterness is gone, you can take the nuts and acorns and roast them to a dark brown or even black colour.  
Grind them like coffee and boil them with a walnut-sized piece of Chaga for about 20 minutes, until a golden-brown froth rises from the Chaga. If you want to make the drink more substantial, you can add some sweet chestnut and some cashews or unroasted hazelnuts. 
Sweeten with honey. 
Enjoy! 😉

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