Dienstag, 17. September 2024

The simple answer to a terroristic assault

 Germany is target for the IS and whatever.  There has been a formal declaration of total war. 

Germans have the reputation amongst people from an Arabian, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Romanian, Syrian, or other backgrounds, as being weak and decadent. We do love our creature comforts and something like national pride does make us uncomfortable.  We are greedy and sadomasochistic in our stance towards pleasure and work, and totally reliant on the state to provide for us. If someone insults us or hurts us, we will sue that person or call the police.  And it worked alright until, Germany was flooded with people who were leaving their countries because you not only could not rely on the state, but because they were bullied by it.  

One Peter Scholl-Latour, at the time foreign correspondent for German public TV Broadcast, once said: "If you want to solve the problems of Kalkutta by bringing Kalkutta to Germany, you haven't solved the problems of Kalkutta, but have said problems in Germany. ". He neither said *all persons from Kalkutta are a problem* nor that we are obliged to solve the problems of Kalkutta.  

So maybe the simple solution is not that easy..

Terrorism is a military act from a weak war party against a more potent army. It is hard to fight, because you cannot use regular troops. You need a competent special force contingent, and, unfortunately, a competent secret service. Fact is, our government at the moment consists of greedy, arrogant, corrupt line-my-pockets. (Campact e.V, abgeordnetenwatch.de, global witness, Anonymous et al). In the middle of an embargo on Russia, a Russian oligarch was able to purchase a Hessian airport, just so you get the picture. https://www.fr.de/politik/frankfurt-hahn-flughafen-hunsrueck-mosel-rheinland-pfalz-viktor-charitonin-92068666.html

Since an embargo is an act of war, in that precise mindset, selling an airport to a Russian is high treason.  Or madness, if you so will.  

So, we do have a less than trustworthy government and a tendency for secret services to overshoot the target.  Noone wants a secret service to get more power than is absolutely necessary. 

The culprit is that the problem is not some Yousouf Mahmoud wanting to open a Syrian grocery store in Germany or some girl wanting to care for elderly people. I worked with a lot of migrants, and most of them were really nice, genuinely good people who actually humbled me. I owe most of what I know about smithing to Mielenko Bednárcz and Viktor Pauków, who originally came from Russia, and who taught me things you can no longer learn in Germany, another message. 

The problem is that our army is sadly unequipped.  Military personnel buy their own gear because using ordonnance would be outright dangerous. We sell a lot of tanks and other high tech weapons and we are rather flexible, morally speaking, in the choice of our customers. Fact is, a certain percentage of our population really IS decadent. And well, I can even understand why.  I have worked my arse off all of my life and have been legally poor most of my life.  No whining, because this is how it works.  You don't have a chance in Western neo-feudalism, (because it is no longer capitalism,) if you are not born rich, ruthless and brutal, so a lot of people stick to their creature comforts. Why bother, if you don't get anywhere anyway? You won't die. Maybe become homeless, but the homeless are not something you talk about. On top, making more money is the sole purpose of life. Don't get me wrong, I actually do know some pretty decent Middle High Class entrepreneurs, and the Rotary and Lion's Club isn't the Ku-Klux-Clan (generally speaking), quite the contrary.  

Our politicians, however, use the situations we are in for the tactical method of "Divide et Impera "(Divide and conquer), for almost exclusively personal gain. That makes for a complex situation. 

Now they want the National Police to take care of terrorists.  

Exactly my kind of humour.  

And I believe they know that this is ridiculous.  They light a lot of distraction fires because they know we know they don't know. You see, that sentence sounds mad, because the situation is.  

I am a pacifist. I do know violence, and the blunt end of it. The scars I wear all of my life. I proactively choose kindness over violence, every day.  I serve and protect if I possibly can.  I despise violence.  

But I am also not naive.  I do know how hard it sometimes is to choose kindness over violence.  

The simple solution, however, must be a military one, and it is rather simple.  

Identify target, neutralize.  

For that, we need funding and better training for military personnel, especially special forces units. 

What we do get, however, is the factual removal of the assumption of innocence, the invulnerability of home, the right of data security and the loss of civic rights such as free speech.  In fighting the terror regime of the IS we become as antidemocratic as the enemy.  

Even more so, we go arse over teacup ostracizing every migrant whatsoever, possibly breaching International law and democratic values. 

Fourth Reich incoming.  

Well, I would never have expected that.  The thing is, we now know about the tactics of totalitarian regimes. The culprit might as well be the Deutsche Bank again. Of course, their talk about a "necessary great reset" was strictly meant in an economical manner, and spare me the anti-vaxxer, Qanon and whatnot bullshit.  But, as one Union chairman in Germany said in the Fifties: "The preferred system of high finance in times of crisis is always fascism". 

So, folks, I fear we are ferked again. 

If you are from Germany, you can still protest the loss of your civic rights by joining the protest against knife bans and the removal of the assumption of innocence. (See my last Blog post). If that isn't your piece of cake you can also join the protest against the derailment of the health care system: https://www.abda.de/aktuelles-und-presse/newsroom/detail/apothekenreform-briefe-mit-unterschriften-fuer-die-politik/

It doesn't seem obvious at first, but this is actually the same context. 

No local apothecary or drugstore means you order your medication online. The removal of the assumption of innocence, of the invulnerability of home, of the  right  to personal data security, means total online surveillance. Means the regime knows everything about your condition and can severely sanction you, as is already the case in China.  We are heading towards a totally dystopian system of "social credit". Thing is, our system worked perfectly well before the advent of neofeudalism. 

So, flood their offices with letters. If you are from Germany, do not forget that you can use this AI-generated letter generator, too: 


This is not for free, because of postal fees. But you can also write letters of protest to the Ministry Of Homeland Security, if you are from outside Germany.  Please keep it civil, though.  

And stay alert. Germany could turn into a similar monstrosity as the Third Reich was, not necessarily so, but better safe than sorry.

Actually, not a nice post again.  I promise you something more relaxing soon.  Until then, I sincerely thank you for your work and your patience. It matters a lot and could maybe still make a difference.   

Please take good care, and, if you possibly can, choose kindness over violence always. But if it doesn't work out, don't make a mess from it like Germany does at the moment.  

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