Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024

Some thoughts on flint and steel firecraft

A fire. 

After shelter, it is one of the most essential human comforts. Warmth is crucial for survival, but there is more to it.  Maybe the fact that we love to mindlessly scroll on Tok or elsewhere could be traced back to a primeval yearning- to stare into a fire, without a thought or a worry at all, warm and safe.  I cannot know.  That those platforms rot one's brain and hack your mind is a neurological and psychological commonplace, and it is also a commonplace that this is intentional. 

A fire, however, is proven to have a rather wholesome effect on the human mind. 

Now do not get me wrong.  In my EDC, there are matches, a lighter, a ferro rod and a tinderbox.  And flint and steel, although I am getting better at it, would be pretty much my last resort in a emergency situation.  

But just as a fire is more than just a survival necessity, starting a fire always had sort of a ritual character for me. And of course, you should know how to have the capability to start a fire at the tip of your fingers, with as many different methods and techniques as possible. But that is not all there is.  Starting a fire with flint and steel has a certain beauty to it that is hard to fathom.  

To me, it is a form of reconnecting. That is a pretty big word, but I do not apologize.  

For flint and steel success, you need to know where to find means to catch a spark.  You need to know how to (sustainably) harvest tinder conk and process Amadou and/or make charcloth. You need to not only know where the mushroom grows, you need to know the local ecosystem, you need to know how to process the material.  In order to do that, you need to know why it works. If you know why that might work, you are also capable of learning about the medicinal properties of the mushroom. You will also realize that the mechanical properties of the Amadou lend themselves for the material to be used for a leather substitute. And first and foremostly, you learn how to respect and value your resources, for they are rare and precious. 

Then you light a fire with it.  It is not exactly easy, and there certainly was a learning curve involved for me, and still is. I want to be honest to you: I am not always sure whether or not I will succeed.  I do succeed most of the time, and I still do practice a lot.  It is good fun, even though there is still a certain element of doubt involved. 

Getting a fire going that way feels empowering. 

 Please keep in mind that I am a certified fire brigade assistant and that I have permission by the local authorities.  Because a rather essential part of firecraft that few people show you in those cool 15 second Videos on the interwebs, is how to watch a fire, control it, and put it out, and when not to start a fire at all.  How to be able not to set the whole forest on fire. 

And here is the culprit. I guess some of you got a bit infuriated because of what I said, but it actually wasn't meant as an offence. Quite the opposite. 

Most people cannot know. Because we are not just disconnected, we are being actively separated from nature.  Our primeval yearnings are abused in order to profit. And do not get me wrong, I am not a stranger to mindless scrolling myself. 

Lighting a fire with flint and steel, with a fire drill or other friction fire techniques, is not exactly efficient. If you are in a survival situation, and you got other means of lighting a fire, use them.  But it is great to have a Plan B, C and D. And the most important thing is that it is a really valueable means of reconnection- and empowerment. 

Because there is a war going on, not only on culture, but on humanistic values, and the human species per se.  A war for profit. Don't fall for the fearmongering, though.  Just switch off your phone from time to time and maybe get a campfire going, brew yourself a cuppa trailcoffee or tea and breathe a bit deeper.  Take care of your fire, of course, but I trust you do anyway. 

Never forget: To date we still do have a choice to choose a more wholesome activity over mindless brain rotting.  

All the best to you all! 

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024

A little foraging hack- how to harvest resin

 When you are just carrying a pocket knife into the woods, and you come across that perfect blob of resin, that can be sort of a challenge. Because you don't want to get your SAK all gooey and sticky, of course.  

The solution is dead simple of course.  

I also improvise a way of transporting your harvest back home.  

Spruce, pine and fir and mountain pinion resin has a million of uses. Resin has a lot of medicinal properties. The tree using it to cure wounds in the bark, already hints of its antibacterial, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional uses of pitch salve and resin ointments date back to ancient Egypt:

"oldest accounts of the therapeutic effects of coniferous resin stem from ancient Egypt, where salve prepared from resin was used to treat burns., In the Nordic countries, especially in Finnish Lapland, ointment prepared from the Norway spruce (P. abiesFig. 1) resin has been used for centuries to treat acutely and chronically infected wounds, sores, pressure ulcers, punctured abscesses, suppurating burns, onychomycosis, and paronychia. Although treatment with resin is an old folkloristic therapy and empirical experience over time has shown the effectiveness of resin treatment, only at the beginning of the twenty-first st century have researchers conducted systematic studies of its effectiveness and mechanisms of action."

But also in the global North, pitch, pitch salve, refined resin ointments and raw resin have been successfully used in the treatment of wounds, skin irritations and ulcers.  ('novel'_method_for_the_treatment_of_chronic_wounds)

The medicinal properties are due to a very high content of Terpenoids (which is pretty commonplace, because resin has always been used to make Turpentine and Colophonium, which is a by-product of making Turpentine),  mostly Diterpene acid (DRA). There are several clinical studies confirming the success of said traditional applications. 

The said Diterpenes also make for the awesome properties as a fire-starting agent, because they are highly flammeable.  

Another application of spruce, pine, mountain pinion, and fir resin (or any resinous coniferous plant, actually), is to easily make a glue. When melted with a bit of fat, especially animal fat, and dried manure, it makes for a surprisingly strong bond for e.g. hafting tools. The big advantage over birch pitch is that you could also use the resin unprocessed, as opposed to a rather complex process of destillation of birch bark.  

Resin is something every woodsman should know as nature's multifunctional resource.  

It is important, though, to harvest sustainbly. Don't hurt the bark. There is no problem if you take what is on the surface, and if you use a wooden spatula, you can not hurt the tree. 

That said,  I hope to provide you with a recipe for my ointment soon.  

All the best, thanks for watching, and take good care! 

Freitag, 29. November 2024

Another assault on democratic structures and human culture per se

Recently the magic troll and myself had the utmost privilege to attend a lecture organized by the MCAW (Marburg centre for Antique Worlds) and held by this very honoreable Gentleman. 
Professor Dr. Müller-Karpe offered an archaeological perspective on the topic  of war and peace and provided rather detailed evidence, beginning in the paleolithic, that. - in stark contrast to the narrative used by altright, conservative and centre-right to centre-left political forces, even the greens worldwide and some of the left and extreme left- war is in no way necessarily a natural state. There is no evidence whatsoever of warfare for the most part of human history. The first evidence of weapons of warfare, i.e. stone maces, is found in the late Mesolithic and Neolithic. Warfare seems to be linked to the concept of immobile personal property. So, if you permit this abbreviation and summary, because this is only part of the culprit of this post, there is no way war would be a natural necessity, but a lot of evidence that war is linked to the accumulation of immobile personal property. 

Now Professor Dr. Müller-Karpe, whose merits in examining central and near eastern archaeology might as well be one of tthe reasons that modern archaeology works the way it does.  He might as well be the proverbial giant on whose shoulders the next generations of archaeologists stand. 

I personally hold him in exceedingly high esteem for his kind, but firm way of teaching, his passion for the subject, and his firm scientific values. 

He most certainly deserves his meriteable discharge and a life as a pensioner, and I feel obliged to thank him very much for his kind acceptance of my person into his lectures, and to wish him all the heartfelt very best for his leisure. Which might not be that leisurely at all, because of course, he will not stop investigating our history. Because you do not become a scientist, you are one.  

The same applies to one Professor Dr. Rita Amedick. As head of the Institute of Classical Archaeology, she is one of the giants on whose shoulders the upcoming generations of archaeological scientists stand. Her merits for the subject have made the subject what it is and paved the way to important discoveries that would further our understanding, not only of our past, but also of contemporary challenges our society is faced with. 

Enter the economists and presidial administrative employees, whose only concerns seem to be to render the humanistic sciences more cost-effective. Which is a contradiction. This shall be undertaken by removing both professoral positions, to replace them with lesser-qualified tutors in a position of  half-employment. 

Plus, personally, and please take note, that this is just my personal opinion, based upon the information I have, I cannot help but assume a rather dystopian political agenda behind the endeavour. Because, while officially and on paper, the subject will not cease to exist, the quality of academical tutoring and mentoring will suffer in such a way that dedicated studying 
will be made difficult, if not impossible. 

That said, please remember my referring to the emeritation lecture of Professor Dr.  Müller-Karpe. Keep in mind the current atmosphere of political warmongering and the provided, rather commonplace, evidence, that the scientific evaluation offers quite the opposite of the narrative used by altright propaganda worldwide and you might come to similar assumptions as myself. 

But enough of this. The Archaeological Institute in Marburg is in danger.  If you want to help, I would like to propose you sign this petition. 

That said, while researching potential international partnerships, we came across another rather disturbing development.  

In the Netherlands, there is a current move by political forces and economical administration to axe e.g. the humanistic sciences at the university of Utrecht. This includes not only foreign languages like French, English and German, making Dutch studies mandatory, but also cultural studies like Celtic culture and language (

If you want to protest this move towards a dystopian future, please consider joining this petition as well: 

The thing is, that these developments are not limited to cultural and archaeological sciences.  During the pandemic, an atmosphere of science denial and pseudomythology became part of public and political discourse.  Antidemocratic forces from the entire spectrum of the political landscape are trying to acquire the sovereignity of discussion. And we are talking about heads of state suggesting drinking Chlorox in order to cure an infection with SARS-Cov.19.

I know that a lot of you guys might not be students or in any way part of the academical context, and you hopefully know that I have a lot of respect for every craftsman. I have learned a lot from masters of crafts, but also from professors, martial arts masters, hobos, bums, travellers, artists and musicians. 

And this is my point.  This is only possible in a society, where such an exchange is possible.  Freedom isn't free.  

A vast percentage (more than 40%) of people in leading political positions or leading economy are suffering from narcisstic or psychopathic mental disorder.  The outcome can be barbarism as yet unheard of. 

The foundation of democracy is humanistic education. Remove humanistic sciences and this education is no longer possible, removing one foundation of democracy. 

Given the recent introduction of the "legal reason" in Germany, the removal of the benefit of doubt, and the invulnerability of home, as a context, this paints a rather worrying image.  Add to this the current assaults on personal data security and the inflationary distribution of fake news, and you can only acknowledge that the time to act is now.  

The good thing is, that not everything is lost...


I sincerely hope that you get my point.  Maybe something I stated sounds a bit bold.  But trust me- I would very much love being wrong. I would be grateful, whether you are 100% agreed with me or not, if you found it in you to support these causes by signing those petitions. It is not about preserving an ivory tower. It is about protecting a pluralistic, open, inclusive, humanistic and democratic society.  About defending human society against fascism.  

Thank you, and all the best. 

Donnerstag, 7. November 2024

Quick and easy carving inspiration-carving a little dwarf with a Victorinox SAK

This is a really nice carving inspiration I came across on the Greencraft Bushcraft YouTube channel:

I find, that the basic technique involved, can be applied to a lot more projects. So, this was sort of an epiphany. 

Because it starts with putting an angle on the stick, it makes carving anything with a face so much easier and faster. In fact, those are just about 15-20 cuts you have to make.  

Carve a notch for the nose. 
carve two more to define the nose and mouth. 
Make a cut to define the hat. Define the nose further. 
Work on the eye area. 
Define the eyes with a chip carving technique. 
Refine the eyes by scooping. 
Define the moustache.
Carve a hat.
Refine the beard. 
Have a cuppatree.  😉

Play safe, watch that video tutorial (because it is awesome), enjoy your cuppa, and take care.  Giving your hands something to do helps a lot.  Carving is especially good for you:

 All the best, see you next time!

Mittwoch, 6. November 2024

A natural band aid from birch polypore

One of the most important skills in the woods is first aid. You know that I am not too fond of the term "survival". It is not what I claim to do. What I do is enjoying the woods and crafting stuff in the silence and peace of the green. If you have to say "survival" in a realistic scenario, like the upcoming World War III (or IV, I lost count), chance is, you are fooked big time and will NOT succeed in coming out in one piece.  There are things that can help you, of course, but chances to survive the nuclear war are rather dim. In fact, it is maybe waged in order to exterminate most of the populace of the world, because it is no longer needed.  I do not know, and I could not change it.  Old fellas like me almost certainly will not survive it. But I do not know, either.  And I actually don't want to ruin what little time is left with gloomy thoughts of doom. We all will die, what a circus. Of dying and pain I am afraid, of course, but not of death.  

That said, I love the woods. I love carving, and I love having good food in the forest. All of this involves tools that are generally quite sharp, and fire, which is generally quite hot. And sometimes you get eager or nervous or lost in the process, and your knife slips, and you bleed. I always carry an IFAK and some band aids, but I once forgot, and bled all over the place. Good thing there was some spruce resin in my pocket and a birch polypore growing nearby! I cut a band-aid from the porous underside and used spruce resin and a piece of cloth to fix it. 

You can leave the mushroom intact, by the way. In the picture, you can see what I mean. 
Actually you only need the porous part, and it is possible to cut the band-aid quite thin. The pictures were obviously taken for demonstration purposes. The injury was already healed and well at that point.  

Now please keep in mind that this is an emergency remedy. If you have a first aid kit, please, at least use proper disinfectant before treating any wound at all.  I am not to be made liable for any healing impairment or deterioration of the healing process to to the application of natural remedies. I share this as a merely cultural evaluation and for entertainment purposes exclusively.  

That said, the use of birch polypore in indigenous cultural heritage as a natural remedy goes back to the paleolithic age. A later, and rather famous find from the late neolithic/ copper age, showed the multifunctional use of birch polypore. Otzi, the "iceman" carried, amongst other things, a piece of birch polypore as tinder, but probably also as medicinal. Studies have found traces of the mushroom in his digestive tract:

and presumeably he had taken this remedy for its anti-inflammatory and immune system modulating properties:

The mushroom has many uses and preparation methods.  The dried powder was also used as a painkiller (see: 

Relevant for the use as a band-aid are of course said anti-inflammatory properties. Responsible for these properties are mainly the Tri-Terpenes and Tri-Terpenoids. On the other hand, the wound-healing process might also be furthered by the poly-saccharids in its composition. Hydrogels with Saccharides and Glukose are a therapeutic remedy for necrosis even today. At least, those polysaccharides in the mushroom are said to offer a moisturizing environment for the wound to heal.  For the same reasons, the fresh tissue from Fomitopsis Betulina can be used for skin care and hygiene. The dried mushroom must be rehydrated first.  The dried powder might be best for the purpose.  

So, while obviously cutting a band-aid from some old shroom in the woods can, in that situation, only be an emergency remedy, with a bit more attention to care, hygiene and attention, it could be far more than just that. The mushroom shows a lot of promising characteristics in a lot of fields of use.  

Please harvest the mushroom sustainably.  Take only what you need, and if at all possible, keep the mycelium intact.  As a rule of thumb, take just 20% of the mushroom in order for it to regrow.  Leave the Trama intact, too.  Of course there is nothing wrong with harvesting a whole fruiting body where the mushroom is abundant, too. Just use common sense is all. 

All the best, and take good care! 


Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024

Helle Knives Skóg blade blank- and the modern relevance of archaeology

This is a fun little project I started in the magic troll 's living room.  Actually there are few things that I love more-we were sitting there, after having some lovely, simple food, with our snacks and cozies and a hot beverage. I mounted a knife blade from Helle Knives, she made her beautiful Naalbindning needles, while there was some sort of documentary on the TV. To me, this is not only the perfect wintertime pastime, but it conveys a lot of meaning to me.  I do think that this, or something very similar, was what our forebears did when the weather was grim, way back to the paleolithic. Well, without the telly, obviously. 😉 If you want to see her work, drop by, well worth the visit. 
Anyway, I really do love Helle Knives. The blades always come in razor sharp, and most of them get the task done admireably. We had those Skóg/Fjellmann blades lying around for ages. It is made from H3LS, a three layer laminate steel with a carbon steel as a cutting layer and arming steel sides from 18/8 stainless steel, which offers rust resistance from hell, but cannot be hardened.  It offers a bit of spring resistance, though, when forged.  Blades like that are made by Helle since time immemorial and have been proven to be really resilient. 
I mounted that little blade (80x2,7 mm) with a handle from reindeer antler and birchwood burl. At the first glance, it doesn't look any special, but it is  
A while ago, I made some trial pieces for a replica of the Trollstein knife, a knife unearthed by Norwegian archaeologists at Lendbreen glacier, near #Trollsteinen.  Look here for my thoughts:
This is the original find.  The pictures are copyright by @vegardvike and museum of culturalhistory, Norway. On the pictures you can see that the knife has a rather interesting handle shape, with sort of some diamond cross section and sort of a bevel towards the edge line of the handle. And testing my sample pieces, I found this to be a real game-changer for a lot of applications, from food prepping, to skinning, and it really excels at wood carving.  

 On the picture below, you can see what I mean. 
I wanted to incorporate this idea in a more modern handle design.  Because, while the handle on the Trollstein knife is actually really efficient, it also makes the sheath design a bstd to get right.  Also, I do like a little more contour and purchase in the handle.  So I put those facets on a more modern design.  It is obviously not a replica, but really works awesome. It is about the principle of signalling your brain and body which way you hold the blade.  And what I want to say is, that I would not have known had I not tried to make a replica of the find.  

Archaeology gives us insight into the knowledge of the past. The principles that people applied historically still are relevant.  

In Germany, there is something going on that can only be called a culture war against all things of cultural heritage, science and craft. I do know it is even worse in the US.  At the Uni, there is currently a move of the administration, and behind that, possibly altright political forces, to close down entire ethically relevant faculties like Archaeology, literature and philosophy, but also actively defunding medicine, mathematics and physics.  

Think about the relevance for your actual life situations.  For Archaeology, it might not seem obvious, but the relevance actually is pretty commonplace. Call it "the knowledge of the ancestors" if you want.  

I am not actually asking "cui bono" yet, because I do not need to. Suffice to say that this handle design is really a rather enlightening experience.  

And it was first designed in the iron age. 

If you possibly can, try it out to get my meaning. 

All the best, and take care! 

Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2024

A fun little carving practice- whittle a pig

I have the feeling that, even though times are grim, you guys might appreciate a little lighter post. Actually, this is why I carry a knife (one of the many reasons, actually). Whittling is proven to be a very wholesome activity, 


with therapeutical benefits for individual mental health.  The creative possibilities are infinite.  This is a simple project that is well suited for beginners and kids with a bit of experience.  Start with cutting a hazel branch that is long enough to give you a bit of a handle.  

Carve a flat on either side.
Carve the snout by using reverse grip power/chest cuts. 
Carve a notch using a thumb pressure cut and reverse grip chest cut to shape the body. 
Using a pinch grip cut, carve the eyes. 
Shape the butt of the little piggy. Essentially it is just a notch you can carve with a chest clutch cut or by applying thumb pressure on the spine of the blade. 
Before cutting all the way through, you can do some refining cuts on the body and shape and refine the legs. 

 Cut or saw off the notch, and in no time you get a stylized piggy.  You can refine it with more details, of course, but as is, this project can be done in 20 minutes. It is a really satisfying lunch break project and is pretty well suited for grounding yourself when you feel stressed out, and you can keep little piggy in your pocket to aid comfort and resilience.  

Take care, play it safe, and I hope you like it and have fun!

A boy scout knife and thought on a "culture"

This is an old German hunting knife I recently got for very cheap on a local flea market. Knives like that were popular as youth Knives from the 50s on, and even sold as "Boyscout Knives" in Germany. It was one of my very first fixed blade knives, which I got at the age of  five.  These knives were the go-to knives for any Outdoor activities that requires a more robust blade.  Before bushcraft knives, this is what we used in Germany. We built our forts in the woods with those, prepared wood for the campfire, prepared food, carved sticks and whittled ugly sculptures and made toys and whatever came to our minds. I never left home without a SAK, and most of the time, a fixed blade knife. In school, it sat in my backpack next to my food pack and my lamp.  I rarely took it out, except for snacking.  I never, not once, drew a knife in anger. Never at all.  Instead, it was a means to solve problems, and when there was something that needed cutting, the teacher always found someone who had a tool. For a tool it was. I got mobbed a lot in school and beaten up a lot. I still have the scars. But even this kind of violence never involved any weapon. There were unwritten rules that even the bullies dared not break. You never whacked someone in the face who had glasses on, you stopped when someone was on the ground or bled in a worrying manner, and under no circumstances at all you used weapons. That was elementary school, of course. On Gymnasium, that changed, but those were the bankster kids using knuckle dusters on me.  This was in the Eighties.  There was a rather subtle shift, almost unintelligible.  

Now, according to studies by the WHO, the world suffers from a mental health crisis. There is a significant loss of empathy and creativity worldwide in college students. More than 40% of Brokers suffer from a narcisstic or psychopathic mental disorder, and this holds true for "the upper echelons" in general. 

On the other hand, there is a rather worrying process of a drastic increase in anxiety and depression and a drastic decline of empathy and creativity.

It is quite the scientific commonplace to state that Outdoor activities for children can enhance mental health, further creative thinking and empathy.  Carving with a knife has been proven a century ago to be beneficial for the development of children, and taking responsibility and indulging in social activities like Scouting, Camping and Woodcraft furthers empathy and creative thinking.  

It is only logical that we ban and stigmatize a knife, especially and explicitly stated for children in an educational setting.  


So, this raises questions.  There are a legion of studies linking a narcisstic or psychopathic mental disorder to hyperconsumerism. As an example, please see:

Narcisstic mental disorder is linked to materialism and the symbolic value of status symbols. Now narcissm in Leaders is quite a commonplace nowadays.  And in order to maintain a system of civil obedience that is based upon trained helplessness in times of crisis,  you need to take away the capability to solve problems from the broad populace. I postulate that the decline of empathy and creativity is manufactured, not by all Leaders per se, but by political and economical leaders, mostly, but not exclusively so, from the far right and far left.  

The harsh reality is, making a kid understand why a tool is a tool, takes time, empathy and patience that most parents nowadays do not have, and cannot have, because they read silly pamphlets on blogs getting political about beautiful knives😉, but, more probably so, because they need to work three jobs to pay rent and/or mortgage. And they need to because high property prices are manufactured to control.  If kids do not learn responsibility and creativity around tools, hey presto, they are incapacitated to think creatively, effectively creating a slave caste.  And do not call me comrade, because the commies are just as bad as the far right assholes.  As are some centre politicians. Because it is not a matter of a political orientation any more, but of a mental disorder diagnosed by leading scientists.  The implications are grave. We currently experience a loss of democracy worldwide. And I cannot emphasize enough that this is not due to just one party, politicians or even the super rich (although a lot of them are supposedly stark raving pissed mad). It is a global mental disorder. We are going conkers. We know that our economy, our society and culture are at stake and maybe dysfunctional.  Our Planet can sustain a system of sustenance at the moment and nothing more. 

And the solution is not to buy a Tesla. 

The solution, if there is solution any at all in the first, is gardening, farming, foraging, making and repairing. What now would we need for that? 

Community, cooperation and creativity, and above all, empathy and the will to take responsibility. To care for the elderly, the unfortunate, the weak. Not because someone told us, but out of an intrinsic motivation. 

To achieve this, we need to stop this shit. 

Teach your kids how to carve, how to garden and make things. They should be able to identify plants rather than know the disgusting stories that narcisstic assholes aka celebrities tell about themselves. 

A rant, you might say. Also, noone is capable of living in the Mesolithic, you might say. 

Because you are told (and do not get me wrong, I fall for it myself most days) that we have to go back, and far. 

This knife is presumeably from the Fifties.  The blade is older, because Fred Mac Overland used old blanks from before the war at first (1920s-1930s), but it was in the Fifties, Sixties up to the late Eighties, that those knives were quite commonplace, especially as youth knives. Production rates skyrocketed first in WWI and then again in WWII and ever since. In business promotion you calculate a minimum growth of pure profit p.a. of 300% in order to even stay in the game. Just so you get the picture.  

Actually, postulating infinite growth in a very finite system is necessarily leading to collapse in physics.  If you put a high pressure pump to a bicycle tyre and do not stop, the tyre will explode. There is no "but" or "if", it does.  Infinite cell growth in your body, aka cancer, will kill you sooner or later. 

Growing anyway in a finite world is the ideology of a cancer cell.  98% of all money is bound in the Portfolios of 3% of the world populace. The money just isn't free, so there is little to no chance that common Joe can earn it. The fact is concealed, whether on purpose or not, I cannot say, and I need not say, by printing money and generating fictional value assets.  Again, not everything that happens must necessarily happen because of some sinister world conspiracy.  And please do not get me wrong: I suck at economics, so I might get the details wrong. 
The frightening thing is, that it doesn't matter. There is a culture war of some raving madmen who simply want to impose their own hubris on the majority of people. 

I cannot put it any other way. I cannot put it politely, and it sucks.  And well, there is no such thing as a "deep state" or "reptiloid elites". Just a small group of people gone completely conkers and who are so powerful that they shit on law and order or contributing to society. What they do, however, is buying media. Follow the flow of money and you get my meaning.  The really frightening facts about climate change are definitively NOT a scam. But if we are talking about depriving e.g. Standing Rock Reservation (wopíla was'te, Piymayelo was'te aikiçitan, tunkasíla kiçi'un!) of water rights in the name of some weird notion of sustainability, well, you do not need some weirdo's blog to tell that this might be a bit bold.  Or depriving the Sáami of herding rights because of the claim their herding economy were not sustainable (they have done so for at least 3000 years and the Tundra depends on the reindeer for ecological balance. I call bs and I am not the only one. 

Fact is, in the last half of a year I signed a petition against one or the other kind of assault on civic and human rights almost every week, at the most five petitions per week. I wrote a shiteload of letters to politicians.  It keeps one in a constant state of agitation and will eventually burn you out, and it is designed that way. Because it is warfare we experience.  It is a culture war. 

It is not fought with weapons, and you are not the enemy. You are not even prey. You are meat in the larder, cultivated for the harvest.  And there is little you can do against it.  Not every politician is a criminal, but those who are, are working highly efficiently.  

They have proactively destroyed the educational system in Germany and progressively cut back on funding in the social care and healthcare sector. There is a well-documented correlation between poverty, lack of education, and lack of social integration and perspective.  Social violence is a reality. 

Noone in their right mind would start a knife fight or see a knife as a weapon. But the kids cannot possibly be in their right mind. Successful psychopaths become top managers or political authorities (sources: Time magazine et al), less intelligent psychopaths become felons. 

This knife comes from a time before the rise of hyperconsumerism and Miltoenesque capitalistic Religion. The cultural context and its implications were rather wholesome. Kids were encouraged to climb trees, read books and reenact their content. They camped, learned to build shacks in the woods, built dams and in spite of breaking one or the other bone, they developed a rather healthy outlook on life and its natural boundaries. They were able to act out energy and relieve stress. And, contrary to popular beliefs, they rarely hurt themselves or others with a knife, in spite of the knives being razor sharp and pointy. I am not advocating educational violence, but the parents nowadays simply have no time or attention-availability to firmly lead the kids through situations with difficult orientational challenges.  It is not only the parents 's fault, because our society doesn't generate a safe environment for raising kids. In fact, it is toxic as to creating a sustainable future. 

The elephant in the room is, that this toxic environment is artificed by political forces. Those manipulate the populace in order to create profit for the very few, and, consequentially, themselves.  One cannot possibly expect them to honestly even try to solve the problems, which are undoubtedly existent.  Because their agendas would fail with a populace of responsible citizens that could care for themselves. Because their self-image is that of power, fear, greed and control.  Noone wants kids that are asking creative questions or citizens that think for themselves, because our system of hyperconsumerism would collapse without trained helplessness, as I said countless times. There is a lot of talk of sustainability, but most of it is the aforementioned greenwashing.
That knife is 70 years old. If it would get banned, I would most certainly have to destroy it. One doesn't need to be a clairvoyant in order to suppose that it is only a matter of time. Mrs.  Faeser, Federal Minister Of Homeland Security tried to establish thought crime as felony, proposes the reversal of the assumption of innocence and total surveillance via AI.  


As I have made clear, this is possibly antidemocratic. And it is not even trying to be sustainable or even effective, because it doesn't target the root of the problem and doesn't even try.  

It sucks, because this is our life now. They try to destroy democracy, we try to fight them.  They own the media, though, and it is only a matter of time that the majority of protesters will get numbed and muffled.  

On a more positive note, the mere existence of such a knife is very good news.  To me, as you might know by now, it is not a weapon. It is conveying meaning and sustainability in a world gone conkers. Every time I use such a knife, fond memories are coming up, of childhood adventures, of loong and beautiful hikes with my father through woods that were denser and wilder (or so it seemed), of carving hiking sticks from hazel, a ritual my father and I did at the beginning of every longer hike. Of shacks my pals and I built in the woods, dangerous treehouses 25m above the ground, sitting in the crown of a spruce tree, gently caressed by the wind and the perfume of resin.  Of dams and forts we built, and campfires where we spent whole evenings without even talking, but understanding each other without words. Of toys we made, of bows from hazel and arrows without fletching, of sunlight through the leaves and hot cocoa after a snowstorm outing on skis.  

They do not want to just take the knives from you. Not just the memories. They want to destroy the possibility for you to make such memories. They want to destroy your mental health, and your soul. 

Do not become violent. They are just waiting for you to go off your rocker in order to further diminish your freedom. Protest is still possible in a democratic way.  

Do not talk with them on informal terms.  Do not help them. Do not believe them. Do not sell them bread nor wine.  Do not care about them. That is not to say that you should demonize or dehumanize them. Stay kind to everyone, to yourself, to the last seven generations and to the next seven generations.  I am not saying you should wish them any harm.  Not force opposes the darkness. Light does. 

Make memories for yourself, your family and your kids.  Take the Smartphone out of their hands and put it aside, and fill their hands with the jewels of reality. It is obviously bad if they break a bone. Teach them responsibility and realistic caution, and it might not happen. But it is far worse if they are not allowed to go and test their limits. 

Teach them limits yourself.  Of course, if you put a knife in their hands, they will injure themselves. Given that they hopefully do not damage something crucial, you can see that as an opportunity. It hurts to cut yourself, and when the tears have dried and the wound is better, then is the time to talk to them what went wrong. Not earlier.  Also, you need to make them never to forget that they can still do it, that it is worth it, that pain is a part of life, and the only way to make it bearable is care and help for others and carry on, maybe in a different manner.  

As always, the solution is kindness and resilience. They do not care about children.  But they are not immortal.  Repair the mess we have created, and, yes, it is not "us vs. them". We are all a part of it as well. 

Make fond memories.  Memories that can warm your kids when they will have to deal with bankster or politician scum or get whacked with life's blunt end, and that can warm yourself when your treeclimbing times are over. The world is a very beautiful and awe-inspiring place.  It is a huge and great adventure, even if you never left your tiny village.  These adventures are free. And if you create a place in your mind and soul from adventures and memories, you would even be free yourself if they succeed to establish a real-life dystopian hellscape.  

Take care and all the best! 

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